
Historical Research, Archival and Creative Consultant
Sanofi Pasteur Limited (Connaught Campus), Toronto, ON (formerly Connaught Medical Research Laboratories, University of Toronto (1914-1972))
Public Affairs/ Public Policy, Communications, Library Services, Marketing, Human Resources, Quality Assurance, Industrial Operations and Facilities Management Departments
- Historical research, writing and consulting on the development, production and evaluation of vaccines, such as polio, pertussis, smallpox, influenza and diphtheria, and other biological products, including combination vaccines, insulin and heparin, for reports, presentations, exhibits and published articles
- Produce, design and manage traveling multimedia historical exhibits, ie: “The Challenge of Whooping Cough: Canada and the Development of Pertussis Vaccines” (2006) and “Conquering the Crippler: Canada’s Role in the Fight Against Polio” (2005) at conferences, hospitals, medical schools and science centres across Canada, and develop and present accompanying PowerPoint presentations to a variety of audiences.
- Developing historical content related to general corporate history of Connaught Laboratories, its products and its key role in the development of public health in Canada and internationally for use in exhibits, presentations, publications, intranet and internet web sites, and towards a proposed museum
- Cataloguing of archival documents and digitization of images, films and artifacts and developing a Digital Image Library
- Facilitating the application of archival images and other items internally and for external clients and organizations, including the media, government and individuals
For more on the history of Connaught Laboratories see:
- C.J. Rutty, "Personality, Politics and Public Health: The Origins of Connaught Medical Research Laboratories, 1888-1917," in E.A. Heaman, Alison Li, Shelley McKellar (eds.) Figuring the Social: Essays in Honour of Michael Bliss (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008), p. 273-303 - More Info at U of T Press | PDF of article
- The Canadian History section of the Sanofi Pasteur Limited website: sanofipasteur.ca
Researcher, Writer, Historical Consultant
Canadian Public Health Association, Centenary History Book Project
- Preparing comprehensive book-length manuscript tracing the history of public health in Canada from highlighting its pre-Confederation roots and tracing the story from 1867 through 1986 and the launching of "The New Public Health" in 1986. Book to be published in June 2010
Researcher, Writer, Designer, Exhibit Curator
"Insulin in Toronto: Discovery, Development and Diabetes Control, 1921-23," Toronto General Hospital, Diabetes Clinic, 12th Floor, Eaton Wing
- Developing 16-poster exhibit showcasing the discovery and early development of insulin in Toronto
Researcher, Writer, Historical Consultant
Canadian Nurses Association
- Preparing book manuscript for 100th anniversary of CNA
Researcher, Writer, Historical Consultant
Public Health Agency of Canada
- Assisted with development of report/ poster entitled, "Back To The Future: Poliomyelitis. A Public Health Scenario Development Project," which investigated the question: What would it be like in Canada today if polio vaccines had not been developed and polio not eradicated?
Researcher, Writer, Historical Consultant
Sanofi Aventis Canada
Researcher and Historical Consultant
Veteran’s Affairs, Canada
- Providing historical background on history of polio with reference to specific individuals who contracted polio during their military service and who are now seeking additional benefits after developing post-polio syndrome in recent years.
Consultant, Researcher
Public Affairs, Archives, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON
- Facitiating digitization and application of archival images for use externally and internally
Researcher, Writer
MaRS (Medical and Related Sciences) Discovery District, Toronto, ON
- Prepared report on the history of Toronto General Hospital's College Wing building, entitled "From 'The Ward' to Discovery District: 101 College Street: At the Heart of Canada's Health Care Heritage,"
Researcher and Historical Consultant
Dr. Charles Hayter, Kingston Regional Cancer Centre, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Oncology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
Alan Jackson and James Bailey book project, The Organs of Toronto (to be published Fall 2001)
- Contacting Churches about their pipe organs, researching organ histories, collecting documentation
- Research & Writer, Special Features Articles
McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Grade 11 Science textbook Don Galbraith (et al.), Biology 11 (Toronto, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001):
Biographical Researcher & Writer
Dr. J.K.W. Ferguson, Thornhill, ON
- "'Even A Better Man Than He Thought He Was:' Dr. James Kenneth Wallace Ferguson: A Practical Portrait of A Canadian Medical Researcher, Part I: 1907-1955."
- "'I'd Rather Burn Out Than Rust Out:' James Young Ferguson, Hospital Building and Missionary Medicine in Formosa, 1905-1922" forthcoming article about founder of Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan (1912), and major player in building of Toronto East General Hospital, Toronto, ON
Researcher & Historical Consultant
Dr Christianne Sinding, Centre de Recherche Médecine, Sciences, Santé et Société, Paris, France
- Collecting archival and secondary materials related to the history of insulin
Researcher & Historical Consultant
Professor P.M.H. Mazumdar, Institute for the History & Philisophy of Science & Technology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
- Tetanus Antitoxin & the League of Nations Serum Standardization
Researcher & Historical Consultant
Professor Alison Li, Department of Science & Technology Studies, York University, Toronto, ON
- Biographical Research on Dr. E.W. McHenry (1899-1961)
- The Discovery of Insulin, Popular Representations
- History of the Medical Research Council
Researcher & Historical Consultant
Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- Collecting and summarizing archival materials related to early history of Mackay Memorial Hospital from Canadian Presbyterian Church missionary sources
Researcher & Historical Consultant
Inhale Therapeutic Systems, San Carlos, California
- Collecting package of primary and secondary sources on impact of 1955 Salk vaccine "Cutter Crisis" on Good Manufacturing Practices in health care industry
Image Research & Supply
Function Thru Form, New York City
- Supplying of discovery of insulin archival image for McGraw-Hill Science textbook
Image Research and Supply
American Heritage, Forbes Inc., New York, NY
Researcher and Historical Consultant
Sault Area Hospitals, Sault Ste. Marie, ON
- Conducted primary archival research for the 100th anniversary history of Sault Ste. Marie General Hospital, Ask the Grey Sisters: Sault Ste. Marie and the General Hospital, 1898-1998 (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1998), by Elizabeth Isles
Bibliographic Researcher
Dr. Charles G. Roland, Hannah Chair for the History of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
- Conducted a literature search for recent Canadian medical history publications for Secondary Sources in the History of Canadian Medicine: A Bibliography, Second Edition
Ken Eklund Communications, San Jose, CA
Biographical Researcher and Writer
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, London, ON
- Researched and summarized biographical information on nominees and 1997 inductees
Research, Writing and Creative Design Consultant
Canadian Marketing Dept, Novo Nordisk A/S
Researcher and Historical Consultant
Professor James Marcum, Dept. of Biology, Houghton College, Houghton, NY
- Conducted archival research and oral history for a history of heparin book project
Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine Medical/ Health Archives Policy Project
J.T.H. Connor, Supervisor
- Surveyed Canadian pharmaceutical and related companies and volunteer health organizations about their archival collections
Research Consultant
CBC Television, William Cobban, Producer